Membership applications
Applications for membership must include proof of identity i.e. passport, driving licence, firearm certificate etc. Applications must also provide a passport size photo of their head and shoulders (required for your membership card).
Firearms Act
S.21 prohibits the possession of a firearm and ammunition (under any circumstances) by a person who has been convicted of a crime and sentenced to a term of imprisonment (or its equivalent for a youth) of 3 months or more.
The prohibition applies in all shooting circumstances, including handling and firing at an approved shooting club where a certificate is not ordinarily required. It also applies to the possession or use of other categories of firearms and ammunition such as AIRGUNS or shotgun cartridges for which a certificate is not needed.
A sentence of 3 months to 3 years attracts a 5 year ban, shorter sentences mean no ban. Over 3 years means a lifetime ban.
When applying for membership, you must confirm that you know of no impediment to becoming a member of the club and that you are not on any criminal records which would bar you from becoming a member.
Summary of the main club rules:
1. Members must carry their current membership card at all times when attending the club and must produce it on request by any other member or by our Landlords.
2. All members and their guests on arrival at the club must sign in (for insurance purposes) and pay the appropriate range fee before shooting.
3. Only the targets provided on the practice/zero/FT/HFT courses are to be shot. No other items are to be placed on the ranges.
4. When shooting from the practice/zero range targets on the main course must not be shot.
5. One whistle signifies a ceasefire. All guns must be discharged and remain idle whilst cease fire is in place. Two whistle blasts signify that shooting can resume.
6. When carrying guns around the club grounds, guns must be un-loaded and magazines must be removed from multi shot guns. When carrying guns around the club grounds, guns must be carried with the muzzle either pointing at the ground or vertically in the air.
7. Gun bags/cases/slips and any other items must not be placed on the shooting bench within the practice/zero area thereby taking up space that other shooters can utilise.
8. Guns must not be left unattended on the shooting bench within the practice/zero area.
9. Smoking/vaping is allowed in the designated smoking/vaping area only.
10. All members are expected to act in a safe and responsible manner at all times.
11. The use/taking of drugs and alcohol within the club grounds is strictly forbidden unless prescribed by a medical professional.
12. The shooting of any wildlife within the club grounds is strictly forbidden.
13. The use of foul, abusive and offensive language is unacceptable, particularly in the company of minors.
14. All members will be expected to participate in the upkeep and maintenance of the club.
15. Any person discovering any wrongdoing must inform a club official (details of officers in the club house and in zero range) as soon as possible.
16. Guns left on the bench should be placed with the barrel pointing out towards the targets.
17. A member's gun(s) and belongings should not be moved without the owner's permission, except for safety reasons.
18. No children allowed on site unless accompanied by a Parent or Guardian at all times.
19. Ashcombe AGC to be run by the Management Committee
20. Guests can only attend at the club if accompanied by a fully paid member.
A breach of the rules may result, in the first instance, of a verbal warning, followed by a written warning. Subsequent breaches may result in a membership being withdrawn.
The club reserves the right to issue an instant ban and withdraw membership if the safety of a member is put at risk.
Club Constitution, Byelaws and General Data Protection Regulations Privacy Policy:
Last updated 29/02/2024